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29 May 2014

Current Affairs: May 27,2014

Vineet Taneja to be Micromax CEO

Gurgaon based mobile-maker Micromax has appointed Samsung India’s former mobile and IT business chief Vineet Taneja as its new Chief Executive Officer (CEO).
Micromax, the country’s second largest smartphone player, hopes the step will help it further strengthen its position in the market, which is witnessing sharp growth.

TGCN: Newly created graphene-type material

Scientists have created a new material- ‘Triazine-based Graphitic Carbon Nitride‘ (TGCN) similar to Graphene, which has the potential to improve transistors used in electronic devices. Though TGCN was predicted theoretically in 1996, but this is the first time that it has been created.
Graphene is one atom thick, strong and conducts heat and electricity highly efficiently. The new TGCN material is also two-dimensional, but it has an electronic band gap, making it potentially suitable for use in transistors.
Normally, Transistors are made of costly silicon that produces heat when used in electronic devices. There has been a search for a material that is carbon-based and that has the electronic band gap needed for use as a semiconductor.

Ranchis’ Kanke Dam endangered by waste

Ranchi’s key water reservoir Kanke Dam — that hitherto provided water to thousands of houses located around it has been receiving waste emanating from human activities concentrated around its periphery which has become a threat of extinction to the water body. The dam situated in the Kanke area of Ranchi is famous for its beautiful picnic spot besides a place that offers tranquility.
But the Dam has been an object of neglect for the State Government. The Dam which was built in 1954 has not been cleaned even once since it came into existence. Algal bloom has started in the dam and it is creating a lot of problem for the treatment plant. It affects quality of the water. Besides, the water body has reduced in area.

Singapore replaces Mauritius as the top source of FDI in India

As per the data of the Department of Industrial Policy and Promotion (DIPP),during the financial year 2013-14, India received $5.98 billion in FDI fromSingapore, whereas it was $4.85 billion from Mauritius. With this, Singapore has replaced Mauritius as the top contributor to India’s FDI.  FDI inflow recorded in 2013-14 is the highest ever received from Singapore since 2006-07 which accounts for around 25% of total FDI inflow in India.
Experts believe that the Double Taxation Avoidance Agreement (DTAA) with Singapore incorporates Limit-of-Benefit (LoB) clause which has provided comfort to overseas investors based there. LoB clause in India-Singapore treaty justifies the substance in Singaporean entities, bringing certainty and avoiding possibilities of litigations.
FDI inflows from Mauritius have begun enervating on apprehensions over the impact of General Anti Avoidance Rules (GAAR) and possible re-negotiation of the tax avoidance treaty. The debatable General Anti Avoidance Rules provision, which seeks to curb tax avoidance by investors routing their funds through tax havens, will come into effect from April 1, 2016 in India. The rule will be applicable to entities claiming tax benefit of at least Rs 3 crore. It will apply to Foreign Institutional Investors (FIIs) that have claimed benefits under any DTAA.
The DTAA signed between India and Mauritius DTAA is under revision amid concerns that Mauritius is being used for round-tripping of funds into India even though that country has always maintained that there have been no strong evidence of any such misuse.

5.5 million ‘invisible’ babies are born and die each year

About 5.5 million babies (around 3 million neonates + 2.6 million stil-births) die every year globally. Every day, about 8,000 neonates die and about 7, 000 are stillbirths. Stillbirths occur at about 28 weeks of gestation and also during labor. Nearly half of all stillbirths are those who die during labour- just 5 minutes before birth.
Five countries account for half of all the newborn mortality across the world. These are:
  1. India (highest): 7,79,000 deaths
  2. Nigeria: 2,76,000
  3. Pakistan: 2,02,400
  4. China: 1,57,000
  5. Democratic Republic of Congo: 1,18,000
While significant achievement has been made in reducing the number of deaths in children aged under-five by half, the progress in bringing down the number of newborn deaths has been slower.
The progress is even worse in the case of stillbirths. Stillbirths are not counted in the Millennium Development Goals.
What is shocking is that most of the 2.6 million stillbirths every year across the globe go unrecorded as in most countries stillbirths do not get birth or death certificates, which makes these births and deaths “invisible”.

Bangladesh nationals settled in India before 1971 are Indians and can vote: Meghalaya HC

As per a judgment by the Meghalaya High Court, Bangladesh nationals who have settled in Meghalaya before March 24, 1971 should be treated as Indians and they should be enrolled in the voters list.
The verdict was based on a petition filed by over 40 refugees, living Amjong village near the Assam-Meghalaya border in Meghalaya’s Ri-Bhoi district who were originally from Bangladesh, who were refused enrolment in the electoral roll and their citizenship certificates were seized by the district administration citing their citizenship as doubtful.
The court held that there was an understanding between the two nations as to who should be permitted to stay and who should be sent back to Bangladesh. It observed that as the forefathers of the petitioners entered India much before March 24, 1971 there was no question of deporting them now when they have acquired the right of permanent rehabilitation in Amjong village. The court dismissed the contention that they were Bangladesh citizens and directed the state government and the Centre not to disturb them, but to provide them proper rehabilitation. Earlier, the state government had contended that the petitioners and their forefathers were not permanent citizens and were rehabilitated temporarily by the autonomous district council.

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