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14 May 2014

Current Affairs:May 14

Shrinking Antarctic ice moving Earth 400 km down

As per scientists, earth’s mantle under Antarctica is moving rapidly, changing the shape of the land at a rate that can be recorded by GPS. Researchers have explained for the first time why the upward motion of Earth’s crust in the Northern Antarctic Peninsula is currently occurring so rapidly. 
Earlier studies have found that the Earth is ‘rebounding’ due to the overlying ice sheet shrinking in response to climate change. This movement of the land was understood to be due to an instantaneous, elastic response followed by a very slow uplift over thousands of years. But Global Positioning System (GPS) data has shown that the land in this region is actually rising at a phenomenal rate of 15mm a year – much greater than what can be accounted for by the present-day elastic response alone. And scientists have shown for the first time how the mantle below the Earth’s crust in the Antarctic Peninsula is flowing much faster than expected, probably due to subtle changes in temperature or chemical composition. This shows that the mantle can flow more easily and therefore responds much more rapidly to the reduction of load hundreds of kilometers above it, changing the shape of the land. So as the glaciers slenderize and the load in that localized area decreases, the mantle pushes up the crust.
Since 1995, several ice shelves in the Northern Antarctic Peninsula have melted and caused ice-mass unloading, leading to the solid Earth to ‘bounce back’. The ice puts downward pressure on the Earth and as this weight reduces the crust bounces back. 

RBI permits foreign branches of banks to sell derivatives not allowed in India

Foreign branches and overseas subsidiaries of Indian banks have been allowed by the RBI to sell structured financial and derivative products in established financial centres even if these products are not permitted in India. However, these products like Exchange Traded Funds (ETFs) and Bond Derivatives are not allowed in the domestic market.
As per earlier norms, banks were not allowed to offer structured financial products through their branches or subsidiaries outside India that are not specifically permitted in the domestic market.
This was the outcome of the review of an earlier December 2008 circular that made it mandatory for banks to get prior approval of the RBI by rendering details of the products, including their regulatory treatment prescribed by the host-country regulators.

Effectiveness of Medication is Gene-dependent: Research; that’s why a particular drug is effective for certain people but not for others.

A new research attempts to answer why a particular drug is effective for certain people but not for others. The research team has found that genes play a significant role. Scientists have generated a database associating 145 genetic regions with more than 400 molecules involved in metabolism in human blood. This compendium of genetic links with metabolism provides many new opportunities to understand the molecular pathways underlying associations with common, complex diseases.
Metabolic molecules, known as metabolites, include a wide range of different molecules such as vitamins, lipids, carbohydrates and nucleotides. They constitute parts of, or are the products of, all biological pathways.
This new database of associations between genetic regions and metabolite levels provides a powerful tool to identify genes that could be used in drug and diagnostic tests for a wide range of metabolic disorders. It will help in drug discovery for metabolic disorders and also facilitate scientists to understand the biology behind disease.

“Exit polls” and “Post-Poll Survey”: Are both same?

Although both the two terms “Exit polls” and “Post-Poll Survey” are used in the same context i.e. prediction of elections, there is a technical difference between the two. Exit polls are done outside the polling stations immediately after voters exit the polling booths/station. A Post-Poll Survey, on the other hand, is conducted a day or two after the voting, preferably at the homes of the voters.
In terms of accuracy, a post-poll survey helps gauge the results better as they are held in the confines of somebody’s home. Unlike exit polls where voters are caught immediately after they come out from the booths, post-poll survey are based on relatively leisurely and detailed interactions.
Most agencies have switched to post-poll surveys to gain from the process, given that polls are mostly held in phases. Exit polls are conducted only when there are single-phase elections. Agencies, nowadays, utilize a mix of post-poll survey and exit polls on the last day of elections to generate immediate results.

China expresses concern over India’s role in South China Sea issue

China seems a little disturbed with India voicing its concern over the tensions in the South China Sea. Chinese Foreign Ministry said India need “not worry too much” about the issue.
The remarks from China came in response to India voicing its “concern” over the recent developments in the South China Sea where Chinese and Vietnamese ships had a tense standoff. These tensions have intensified with China’s oil rig’s attempts for oil exploration in the waters of disputed islands claimed by both countries.
China was critical of reactions by the US and Japan over the region last week. China objected to India’s ONGC participating in the drilling in the area specified by Vietnam which Beijing called disputed. Both Vietnam and the Philippines together with Malaysia and Brunei have serious disputes with China in the South China Sea and have been exhorting ASEAN to take a firm stand against Beijing on the issue. China also objected to the Philippines arresting 11 Chinese fishermen in the disputed waters.
Recent development over South China Sea: 
  • Vietnam wants India to ‘rise quickly’ in the South-East region as it expressed concerns over China’s rising assertiveness in the South China Sea. The comments came a few days after Chinese and Vietnamese ships had a tense stand-off. Link: ‘Rise quickly’ to counter China: Vietnam to India
  • A significant defense deal inked between the Philippines and the US which will allow a bigger US military presence on Filipino territory. The pact would give U.S. forces temporary access to selected military camps and allow them to pre-position fighter jets and ships. It allows more US troops into the Philippines for joint military training exercises. Link: Significant defence deal inked between Philippines and US​​
  • US-Japan joint statement highlights importance of trilateral dialogue with India

Indian Railways releases: ‘India Junction – A Window to The Nation’

Indian Railway released a book, titled ‘India Junction – A Window to the Nation’. The book has been brought out by Public Relations Directorate, Railway Board. The book has been edited by Ms Seema Sharma.
About the Book:
Screenshot_1‘India Junction – A Window to the Nation’ is a book which tells the story of the long an eventful journey of Indian Railways starting from 1853 to the present day through in-depth, analytical essays that are rich in history; scrumptious travel pieces; and some truly amazing and rare photo features—celebrates the changes the Railways has brought about in our lives; and examines how the Railways itself has transformed over time.
The Indian Railways provides us with a practical, convenient mode of transport, but its contribution to Indian life goes much beyond that. The Railways is the lifeline of the nation and, in many ways, its development has been deeply intertwined with the destiny of India. India Junction—featuring in-depth, analytical essays that are rich in history; delectable travel pieces; and some truly amazing and rare photo features—celebrates the changes the Railways has brought about in our lives; and examines how the Railways itself has transformed over time.
Some quotes in INDIA JUNCTION:
  • Without the railways, the three great cities of Calcutta, Bombay and Madras would have remained small colonial trading ports. —Sir Mark Tully
  • ‘Railways was the greatest force of modernization and unity that India had ever seen.’ —Sandipan Deb
  • ‘The development of the railways has been deeply intertwined with the destiny of the Indian subcontinent.’ —Sharmila Kantha
  • ‘In Mumbai locals, there is even a new subgroup of intimacy: the train friend.’ —Jerry Pinto
  • ‘No Railways, no India.’—Ian J. Kerr

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