Delhi-based 13 year old school boy Yashwardhan Shukla authored a novel, Gods of Antarctica. The book is fictional tale of gods and monsters. It was put into print by the Readers Paradise publishers.
The boy said Amish Tripathi’s ‘Shiva’s Trilogy’ and J K Rowling’s Harry Potter series has inspired him in writing. He also said Rick Riordan remains his favourite author.
About Gods of Antarctica Novel
The tale was about a school kid David, who accidentally lands up in Antarctica after losing his entire family to a monster attack. His book “Gods of Antarctica” talks about the mythological fantasy of David’s encounter with gods and monsters.
The script was rejected by a couple of publishers before being accepted. The publishers had suggested that names and location be changed from London-Antarctica to those in India. But, Readers Paradise publishers accepted without changes to encourage the young writer.
About Gods of Antarctica Novel
The tale was about a school kid David, who accidentally lands up in Antarctica after losing his entire family to a monster attack. His book “Gods of Antarctica” talks about the mythological fantasy of David’s encounter with gods and monsters.
The script was rejected by a couple of publishers before being accepted. The publishers had suggested that names and location be changed from London-Antarctica to those in India. But, Readers Paradise publishers accepted without changes to encourage the young writer.
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