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2 September 2014

Lesotho Prime Minister Tom Thabane deposed by Coup Leader Kamoli

Lesotho Prime Minister Tom Thabane was deposed on 30 August 2014 by the military coup led by army commander Lieutenant-General Tlali Kamoli. The chief reason behind the coup seems to be the decision of Thabane to suspend parliament in June 2014 to prevent it from passing a motion of no confidence against him which could have brought down his government. It is widely believed that Lesotho Deputy Prime Minister Mothetjoa Metsing was behind the coup.
In a further development on 31 August 2014 Thabane was escorted by the South African security forces from his hideout in Ladybrand to attend a Southern African Development Community (SADC) meeting chaired by South African President Jacob Zuma in Pretoria on a trial of resolving the crisis in Lesotho country.
Zuma authorised South African Special Forces to provide Thabane with security when or if he returned to Lesotho and also issued a stern warning to Kamoli that it would not tolerate any further disturbances.

About Lesotho
The Kingdom of Lesotho is land locked by South Africa and is made up mostly of highlands where many of the villages can be reached only on horseback, by foot or light aircraft. 
South Africa is the Country on which Lesotho is depended for employment and trade of its main natural resource - water. 
UN described 40% of the Lesotho population as ultra-poor. Because of its high rate in Aids the food output was drastically reduced as the farmers are the most victims of the disease.

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