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12 October 2014

Current Affairs: October (6-11), 2014

Nobel Peace Prize 2014

The Norwegian Nobel Committee has awarded the 2014 Nobel Peace Prize toKailash Satyarthi and Malala Yousafzai for their “struggle against the suppression of children and young people and for the right of all children toeducation.” The Committee specifically pointed out how commendable it was for “a Hindu and a Muslim, an Indian and a Pakistani, to join in a common struggle for education and against extremism”. The Committee also hoped that their fight for the rights of children will contribute to the larger goal of “fraternity between nations” that Alfred Nobel has explicitly mentioned in his will as one of the criteria for awarding the Nobel Peace Prize.
Malala and Satyarthi will be awarded a medal and $1.4 mn at an special ceremony in Oslo.

 Malala Yousafzai

malala17 year old Malala Yousafzai is the youngest Nobel Laureate in the history of the prize. She is also the third Nobel laureate who was born in Pakistan.
Malala fought for the rights of girl children in Swat Valley, Pakistan to attend school. She was shot by gunmen there, and later moved to Birmingham, UK. Since then, she has published her autobiography, addressed the UNGA, been named one of Time magazine’s most influential people in 2013, and awarded the EU’s Sakharov Prize for human rights.

Kailash Satyarthi

kailash satyarthiSatyarthi is the eighth Nobel laureate to have been born in India. He is an adherent of Gandhian philosophy. He has upheldMahatma Gandhi’s practice of engaging and conducting peaceful protests. He has focused his agitations against the exploitation of children for financial gain. He is the founder of the Bachpan Bachao Andolan (Save the Childhood Movement). Through his NGO, he campaigns for protection of child rights and to abolish illegal human trafficking.

World Bank Launches Global Infrastructure Facility (GIF)

The World Bank (WB) has launched the GIF to specifically cater to the infrastructure needs of the emerging economies and developing countries. The GIF will channel money towards bankable infrastructure project in such countries. GIF also places importance on sustainable development. Its key focus will be on climate friendly infrastructureinvestments and projects that will boost trade.
The GIF will collaborate with other international and multilateral agencies which provide loans and financial assistance to countries across the globe. It will also help these agencies with its expertise in financing, supervising and implementing projects. Another areas where GIF could provide assistance it ensuring that all regulatory, environmental and social safeguards are met with while investing in large scale infrastructure projects. GIF will also work with private entities like asset management companies, private equity firms, pensions and insurance funds and commercial banks to tap into multiple sources of funding.

Government sets up ‘Japan Plus’ team

India has set up a ‘Japan Plus’ management team to follow through on the $35 bn that Japan has promised to invest in India over a span of five years via PPP and overseas development assistance. This is a follow through on the agreements and initiatives agreed to by India and Japan during PM Modi’s visit to Japan.
Japan is the fourth largest foreign investor in India. It contributes to approximately 8% of India’s total FDI inflows. It is already actively involved in various infrastructure projects in India.

 Responsibilities of the Japan Plus team

The team will provide the Indian government assistance with respect to initiating, attracting, facilitating and fast-tracking of Japanese investments in India. The team will be responsible for all areas of investment promotion, research, outreach and issues post investment. It will also help identify areas for Indo-Japan collaboration and viable projects for Japanese investment.


The team has been set up by DIPP (Department Of Industrial Policy and Promotion) and is operational from October 8. It consists of government officials from both countries. The team will have four Indians and two Japanese, and will be coordinated by Kenichiro Toyofuku from Japan’s Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry.

 India-Japan Investment Promotion Partnership

An  Indo-Japan Investment Promotion Partnership core group has also been constituted. It will be headed by the Cabinet Secretary and will comprise of the Chairman of Railway Board, Foreign Secretary and secretaries of DIPP, revenue, economic affairs, financial services, urban development, information technology and others. It will coordinate and monitor investments from Japan. Also, it will facilitate investment in various sectors and enable effective transfer of technologies .

Nobel Prize Literature 2014

The Nobel Prize in Literature for 2014 has been awarded to the French author, Patrick Modiano, “for the art of memory with which he has evoked the most ungraspable human destinies and uncovered the life-world of the occupation”.
The last time a French author won a Nobel for Literature was in 2008 when Jean-Marie Gustave Le Clezio won.
Modiano has also been the recipient of other awardsincluding Grand prix du roman de l’Academie francaise in 1972 and the 2010 prix mondial Cino Del Duca by the Institut de France for lifetime achievement. In 2012, he won the Austrian State Prize for European Literature.
Patrick Modiano
Modiano was born on July 30, 1945 in a suburb of Paris. He studied at the Lycée Henri-IV in Paris. His private geometry coach, Raymond Queneau, was also a writer and had a significant influence on Modiano’s career. His writings are in French, though some have been translated into English and other languages.
He made his writing debut in 1968 with La place de l’étoile. His first work was widely discussed and well known but it hasn’t been translated into English. Most of his work centres around ambiguous themes such as memory, oblivion, identity and guilt. His stories also tend to be of an autobiographical nature and draw upon his city and its history. Some of Modiano’s works have been translated into English, among them Les boulevards de ceinture (1972; Ring Roads : A Novel, 1974), Villa Triste (1975;Villa Triste, 1977), Quartier perdu (1984; A Trace of Malice, 1988) and Voyage de noces (1990; Honeymoon, 1992). His latest work is the novel Pour que tu ne te perdes pas dans le quartier.
Other than an  author of novels, Modiano has also written children’s novels and movie scripts.

Central Government defers countrywide roll out of National Food Security Act for six months

Three rows of rice varieties - brown, wild and white.
The Centre has deferred the rollout of the NationalFood Security Act for the second time in a year. The deadline of October 2014 has been extended for another six months


The National Food Security Act was passed in July 2013. At that time, states were given one year to identify beneficiaries and put in measures to provide subsidized foodgrains to them. However, after a year’s time, most states had still not made progress. Hence, an extension of another four months till October was given. But, since many states have still not managed to put the required infrastructure in place for implementation of the provision of the National Food Security Act, another extension of six months has been given by the Central Government.

 Lack of readiness

A large number of states wanted the nation wide rollout of the National Food Security Act to be deferred because they were not ready to implement it. The onus of identifying the beneficiaries was put on the states by the National Food Security Act. Many states have yet to finalise the beneficiaries, and there has been a lot of debate on how to identify them. Also, most states who weren’t implementing their own foodgrain distribution programs have to establish infrastructure from scratch. Information about fair price shops have to be digitised and godowns built to store enough foodgrains for such a far-reaching program. 11 states and Union Territories, namely Punjab, Haryana, Rajasthan,Himachal Pradesh, Madhya Pradesh, Bihar, Chhattisgarh, Maharashtra,Karnataka, Delhi and Chandigarh have partially or fully implemented the National Food Security Act. However, many of the large states like Uttar Pradesh, West Bengal, Odisha, Jharkhand, Andhra Pradesh and Telangana have not yet put the required mechanism in place.

Mark Zuckerberg visits India-stresses connectivity for whole world

Founder and CEO of Facebook, Mark Zuckerberg, is in New Delhi on a two day visit to India. He will launch the global internet project, in Delhi.
While in India, Zuckerberg met PM Modi and later spoke of  Digital India initiative and said it was a positive development. His visit comes months after the visit of Facebook COO, Sheryl Sandberg. is a global partnership between leaders in the field of technology, NGOs, local communities and experts who work together to bring internet connectivity to the two-thirds of world’s population that doesn’t have access to internet now.
Through, Zuckerberg aims to make internet more accessible and affordable to all people around the world. In the next five years, the project aims to provide internet connectivity to 5 billion people in the world.

Andhra Pradesh & Odisha get ready for “Hudhud”

Cyclone Hudhud is expected to make landfall near Vishakapatnam on October 12 according to the IMD (Indian Meteorological Department). The NationalDisaster Response Force (NDRF) has put its battalions in TN, Andhra Pradesh, Odisha, West Bengal and Bihar on high alert. Central Government has sent 39 teams of National Disaster Response Force (NDRF) comprising 1,573 personnel, 193 boats and other equipment to Andhra Pradesh and Odisha. NDRF has also set up a Control Room at Delhi whose number is – 011-26107953. Additional battalions are being considered for deployment in Andhra Pradesh and Odisha

Defence Forces

The defence forces have also been readied for carrying out relief and rehabilitation efforts. Also, the Indian Air Force has kept four helicopters on standby to assist with evacuation efforts.

Warnings from Government Organisations

The IMD has predicted rainfall at most places in this region to be heavy to heavy, with some isolated areas facing extremely heavy rainfall. The Indian Railwayshas also issued a warning to passengers travelling from or through these states. Cancellation or delay of trains is expected if the situation warrants it. The states in the Bay of Bengal region have issued warnings asking fishermen not to venture deep into the sea. The intensity of Hudhud is expected to be on the lines of that of cyclone Phailin which hit Odisha last year.

Preparation in Andhra Pradesh

The Andhra Pradesh government has identified 26 sub-districts which are expected to be affected by Hudhud. 125 relief camps have been organized to evacuate people along the coast.

Five Haryana Janhit Congress MLA’s disqualified

The Punjab and Haryana disqualified the merger of five Haryana Janhit Congress (HJC) MLAs with the Congress in accordance with the anti-defection law. The MLAs in question are Satpal Sangwan, Vinod Bhyana, Rao Narender Singh, Zile Ram Chochra and Dharam Singh Chhokar.

2009 elections

In the 2009 Assembly polls, Congress failed to get the required majority seats in the state assembly. The required number of seats were 45 and Congress has won 40 seats. Initially, seven independent candidates agreed to join the Congress, but by November 2009, the 5 HJC MLAs also claimed that they party had merged with the HJC. The then speaker of Haryana, Kuldeep Sharma, upheld the merged was valid in law. This order was then challenged in the HC.


The HC set aside the order of the Speaker, as being invalid and bad in law. The judge held that the supposed merger was unconstitutional. It disqualified the five HJC members from being MLAs. Also, they were disqualified from any remunerative political post that they may have held since they defected from HJC. This means that the MLAs will have to refund any financial benefits and perks they received by virtue of holding a political post.

Burdwan blast to be probed by National Investigation Agency (NIA)

The case of the explosion that took place in Khagragarh area of Burdwan in West Bengal has been handed over to the NIA. The explosion killed two persons who are suspected of being militants. A large quantity of chemicals used to make bombs and some IEDs were found at the site of the explosion.
Investigations have led to the arrest of four persons including two women.

Issue on Consent of state ggovernment

The Centre invoked a rarely used clause of National Investigation Agency Act, to surpass the state government and have NIA handle the case without the state government’s consent. In light of the circumstances and probable involvement of foreign terrorists, the Centre felt it necessary for the NIA to investigate the matter. The legislation gives the Centre the power to intervene and direct NIA to take over from the state, without the state’s consent only if certain crimes which have been listed in the act’s schedule have been committed. Terror related activities are covered by the schedule .

Government to revive Prime Minister’s Council on Climate Change

The Central government is planning to reconstitute and revive the PM’s Council on Cilmate Change. This Council oversaw the implementation of the eight missions under the NAPCC (National Action Plan onClimate Change). This advisory body had not met in the last three years.
An Executive Committee had been set up in January 2013, comprising of officials from relevant Ministries, to assist the Council and monitor implementation of the eight missions. However, despite this, lack of funding and co-ordination lead to slow implementation of proposals under the eight missions. Most missions have been underperforming in relation to their targets.
With renewed emphasis on climate change in the international, the government has deemed it imperative to formulate a coherent domestic climate change policy. The reconstituted Council is expected to review the implementation of the eight missions and undertake a comprehensive reassessment of the country’s climate change policy. Moreover, the composition of the Council is expected to be tweaked to accommodate more members from the industrial sector.

Prime Minister’s Council on Climate Change

The Council was established in 2007. It was responsible for framing the NAPCC in 2008. The High Level Advisory group was given the role of co-coordinating action plans for assessment, adaptation and mitigation of climate change. It also advised the government on multiple climate change related issues and facilitated inter-ministerial cooperation and coordination in the arena of climate change.

Government announces establishment of Maulana Azad National Academy for Skills (MANAS)

The Minister for Minority Affairs, Najma Heptullah, announced the establishment of a nation level skill development Academy, “Maulana Azad NationalAcademy for Skills” (MANAS) with headquarters inDelhi.
MANAS will focus on providing skills, upgrading abilities and training members of minority communities in those sectors of the economy which are either facing a shortage or labour or where demand for labour is expected to surge. MANAS will also train people so that they may be self-employed. The National Minorities Development and Finance Corporation (NMDFC) will provide assistance with credit for persons who have undergone training at MANAS and wish to establish their own business or be self employed. MANAS will also collaborate with multiple national andinternational agencies to provide certification and assistance with placement for the trainees, and also to secure funding for the program.
A MoU was also signed by MANAS and the National Skill Development Corporation to establish an All India Collaborative Network for MANAS.

Government to complete Phase-III of Cable TV Digitization by 2015

The Government has modified the timeline for Cable TV Digitisation. As per the new timeline, Phase III will be over by end of 2015 and Phase IV, a year later, by end of 2016. In Phase III and IV, cable TV digitization will spread to the rural areas. Phase I was digitization of metro cities, and Phase II was digitization of cities with a population of more than 1 million people, Phase III covers all urban areas and Phase IV covers the rest of India.

 Task Force for Cable Digitization for Phases three and four

This task force was set up by the government to steer Phases III and IV. The task force was set up to look into indigenous production of set top boxes (STBs), interoperability between STB service providers and take efforts to provide tax incentives to boost domestic manufacturing of STBs and enable them to compete with foreign manufacturers. The Task Force will also consult with representatives of all stakeholders, including the service providers and consumers.

Tyeb Mehta painting sold at 11 crore rupees

Tybe Mehta
Modernist Tyeb Mehta’s painting was sold at the Modern and Contemporary South Asian Art sale in Sotheby’s for a whooping Rs. 11 cr. The Modern and Contemporary South Asian Art sale marked the beginning of Sotheby’s Indian and Islamic Week, which will see three separate auctions dedicated to the works of established artists from the Indian sub-continent and the Islamic world.
The blue painting was brought for a price far higher than its pre-auction estimate by an anonymous bidder. The painting is thought to be an important transitional work of Mehta’s, and a departure from his pet themes of angst and suffering. The depiction of the female body is believed to be inspired from the works of international artists such as Barnett Newman, Kazimir Malevich and Henri Matisse.

Tyeb Mehta

Tyeb Mehta was born in 1925 in Gujarat. He studied at the J.J.School of Art. He is one of the post-colonial group of artists in India. He was a part of the renowned Bombay Progressive Artist’s Group which is a grouping of influential modern Indian artists post-1947 who are known for their unique collection of work with certain similar characteristics. His work belonged to the Modernism school of painting. He is a Padma Bhushan awardee. Mehta’s work was the first by a contemporary Indian artist to be sold for over a million dollars. One of his later paintings, ‘Celebration’, sold for Rs. 15 mn at a Christie’s auction in 2002. This set the record for the highest sale amount for an Indian painting at an international auction. He died in 2009 in Mumbai. Click Here to read brief Biography of  Tyeb Mehta

India celebrates 82nd Air Force Day

The Indian Air Force (IAF) celebrated its 82nd foundation day as Air Force Day at the Hindon Air Force Station in Ghaziabad, UP. Till 2006, Air Force Day celebrations were held at the Palam airport.
Sachin Tendulkar was also present at the ceremony. He was made a Honorary Group Captain in the IAF in 2010. He is the first sportsperson to have been honoured with that distinction.


The Air Force Day Parade was held at the base along with the Investiture ceremony. The Air Force Warrior drill team displayed rifle handling skills along with march etc as part of the parade. Various airplanes of the IAF were on display. Also, planes like the MIG-21, MIG-29, Sukhoi-30 MKI, Globemaster, Hercules and Mirage 2000 performed multiple maneuvers.

Hindon Air Force Base

This base is under the Western Air Command. It is the biggest and largest air base in Asia, and 8th in the world. It is located in Ghaziabad in Uttar Pradesh. It is located on the outskirts of the Hindon river.

Chemistry Nobel Prize 2014

The Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences has announced that the Nobel Prize for Chemistry for the year 2014 is being awarded to Eric Betzig, Stefan W. Hell and William E. Moerner “for the development of super-resolved fluorescence microscopy”. For years, it was assumed that the resolution that could be achieved by optical microscopy was limited to half the wavelength of light. These three scientists overcame this perceived limitation with the help of fluorescent molecules. Their work has made it possible to “study molecular processes in real time” according to the Nobel Committee Chair. The winners will share the prize money of 8 mn kroner.

nobel-prize-chemistry-winneLimitation on Resolution

It was assumed by the scientific community that it would be impossible to study living cells in its tiniest molecular detail. The microscopist Ernst Abbe had set 0.2 micrometres as the maximum resolution that could be achieved through optical microscopy. This development took place in 1873, and for decades no scientist could achieve a better resolution. These three scientists surpassed Abbe’s limitation and enabled scientists to analyse the nanoscopic world. The scientists have been awarded for their work with two different approaches, namely, stimulated emission depletion (STED) microscopy and single molecule microscopy.

Work of Stefan Hell

Stefan Hell developed the STED microscopy method in 2000. To better Abbe’s resolution, he used two laser beams. One beam stimulated the fluorescent molecules to grow, while the other beam cancelled out all fluorescence except that in a nanometer sized volume.

Work of Betzig and Moerner

Betzig and Moerner worked with single molecule microscopy. This method is based on the ability to turn the fluorescence of molecules on and off. A couple of different molecules are allowed to glow each time the image is recorded;. Then, all the recorded images are superimposed to form one complete image covering all molecules. This method was first tested in 2006.

Breakthrough work

The work done by these scientists enables researchers and other to analyse individual molecules, thus enabling them to carry on further research. With the ability to look at individual molecules, we can better understand the human anatomy and the occurrence of various diseases.

About Eric Betzig

Eric Betzig is an American citizen who born in 1960 in USA. He is a Group Leader at the Janelia Research Campus at the Howard Hughes Medical Institute in USA

About Stefan W. Hell

Stefan W. Hell is a German citizen who was born in Romania in 1962. He is Director at the Max Planck Institute for Biophysical Chemistry in Göttingen, and Division head at the German Cancer Research Center in Heidelberg, Germany.

William E. Moerner

William E. Moerner is an American citizen who was born in USA in 1953. He is the Harry S. Mosher Professor in Chemistry and Professor of Applied Physics at Stanford University in USA.

India expected to retain top slot in inward remittances

In the World Bank’s latest ‘Migration and Development Brief’, India has remained the top country to receive inward remittance with a total of $71 bn just this year. This stable inflow of remittances is important in boosting India’s balance of payments

Future Trends

The report predicts a modest rise of 1.5% in the inwards remittances to India during 2014.
However, remittances to the developing countries are expected to increase by 5% to reach $435 bn in 2014, driven largely by remittances to Asia and Latin America. Remittances to the South Asia are expected to improve after a slower growth in 2013.
Global remittances are estimated to increase from $582 bn to $608 bn in 2014

Forced Migration

Though the rise in inward remittances is a positive development, the rise in forced migration has revealed the troubling circumstances that are prevalent across the world. Forced Migration due to conflict were at their highest level since World War II, affecting over 51 mn people.  An additional 22 mn people have been forced to move due to natural disasters.

Nobel Prize for Physics 2014

The Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences announced its decision to award theNobel Prize for Physics to Isamu Akasaki, Hiroshi Amano and Shuji Nakamura “for the invention of efficient blue light-emitting diodes which has enabled bright and energy-saving white light sources”.
Isamu Akasaki
Isamu Akasaki is a Japanese citizen. He was born 1929 in Chiran, Japan and educated in Japan. He is currently a Professor at Meijo University, Nagoya, and Distinguished Professor at Nagoya University, Japan.
Hiroshi Amano
Hiroshi Amano is a Japanese citizen. He was born in 1960 in Hamamatsu, Japan and educated in Japan. He is a Professor at Nagoya University in Japan.
Shuji Nakamura
Shuji Nakamura is an American citizen. He was born in 1954 in Ikata, Japan and educated in Japan. He is currently a Professor at University of California in USA.

Discovery of blue LEDs

The three scientists of Japanese origin have been awarded the Nobel for inventing blue light emitting diodes or LEDs.
Although red and green LEDs have been in existence for decades now, development of blue LEDs posed a formidable challenge to scientists and researchers.
Within a LED, current is applied to multiple semiconductor materials, which emit a particular wavelength of light depending on the chemical make-up of the semiconductor materials in question. Gallium nitride was the semiconductor used by the Japanese researchers to develop the blue LED. Growing adequately big crystal of gallium nitride was the challenge that many researchers couldn’t figure out. Akasaki and Amano, worked together in 1986 to get the gallium nitride to grow to a big size, with the help of a specifically designed scaffold partially made from sapphire.
In 1990, Nakamura also managed to induce the gallium nitride to grow to a big size by manipulating the temperature to induce its growth.
Their work in discovering blue LEDs led to the combining of red, green and blue LEDs to form white LEDs.

Significance of blue LEDs

Blue LED is an extremely significant development on its own, and because it was a stepping stone in the development of white LED, it is a path-breaking milestone.
Blue LEDs are used in many products nowadays. Smartphones, for example, use blue LEDs. White LEDs are used in a plethora of products from lamps tto television screen to computer screens.
LEDs use much less energy than incandescent lamps, and are efficient enough to run on locally generated solar power. It is major development in the 21stcentury where energy conservation has become vital

Parties using children for poll work will lose symbols: Election Commission

The Bombay High Court while hearing a case on the issue of children engaging in election campaigns and poll related work, asked the Election Commission(EC) what action it was taking against politicalparties to curb the involvement of children.
The Election Commission  has responded that parties which are making children work for their campaigns will face de-recognition by the EC. Under section 16A of the Election Symbols (Reservation and Allotment) Order, 1968, the EC can withdraw the recognition granted to parties that don’t follow the EC’s rules and regulations. De-recognition of a political party means that it can no longer use its reserved symbol.

Madhya Pradesh launches Global Investors Summit

Madhya Pradesh has launched the 2014 edition of it Global Investors Summit. The event will be held from October 8 to October 10 in Indore. Indore is considered the business capital of Madhya Pradesh. Through the Global Investors Summit, the government seeks to display the strengths and industrial prowess of Madhya Pradesh. It is a bid to attract Indian and foreign investors to Madhya Pradesh. The Global Investors Summit will also act a forum for interaction between the Indian entrepreneurs, heads of states, policy makers, investors and other stakeholders.Multiple countries are also expected to be a part of the Global Investors Summit.

Cyclone Hudhud intensifies near Andaman

Cyclonic storm Hudhud is building over the Bay of Bengal and is likely to bring torrential rains and strong wind to the region over the next few days. The name Hudhud has been given by Oman, and it is derived from the name of an Afro-Eurasian bird.

Preparations for Hudhud

The cyclone is scheduled to hit the Odisha coast by October 12. It is also expected to hit the Andhra Pradesh coastline. However, it will not directly hitWest Bengal, though the state is expected to feel the impacts of the cyclone. The states in the Bay of Bengal region have issued warnings asking fishermen not to venture deep into the sea.
The intensity of Hudhud is expected to be on the lines of that of cyclone Phailin which hit Odisha last year.

Evolution of Hudhud

Hudhud first appeared as a low pressure are over the South Myanmar coast adjoining Andaman Sea. This evolved in to a depression around 250 km east of Port Blair on 6 October. This depression is expected to intensify into a cyclonic circulation by 8 October. The immediate effect of the cyclone formation will obviously be felt on the Andaman & Nicobar Island where heavy rains and minor damage to loose and unsecured structures have been predicted. After crossing the Andamans, the cyclonic circulation is expected to south-west into the Bay of Bengal and take shape of a cyclonic storm.

DIPP clears 33 defence proposals

A meeting of the Licensing Committee of the DIPP has cleared 33 pending defense deals, some of which have been languishing with the DIPP for yeards. The defence proposals were by Reliance Aerospace, Bharat Forge, Mahindra Telephonic Integrated Systems Ltd, Punj Lloyd Industries, Mahindra Aero Structure Pvt Ltd, Tata Advanced Materials Ltd etc.
The DIPP has been able to clear these defence proposals now because of the regulatory and policy changes .

Changes in Policy/Regulations

The FDI limit in the defence sector has been increased to 49% from 26%. The government reduced the number of items requiring industrial licenses by 60% in June 2014, so a vast number of items have been delicensed and do not require items anymore. Also, dual use items, meaning products which are of use to military as well as civilians, do not require defence clearances. Hence, multiple industries now require no licenses but only have to submit an IEM. Further 24% portfolio investment through the automatic route is now allowed. And the requirement of 51% ownership by a single Indian company has been removed, with multiple Indian companies holding a cumulative share of 51% being sufficient.
Also, these clearance are in line with the PM’s Make in India campaign which calls for increased domestic production by industries based in India.

 IEM (Industrial Entrepreneurs Memorandum)

IEM is an application which is while is filed by the company/industrial unit for acknowledgement of its unit. Industries requiring investment of over a certain amount in large scale and small industry respectively are exempt from licensing provisions; these industries, instead, have to file an IEM.

High Court denies Bail to Jayalalitha, to approach Supreme Court

J. Jayalalitha
The High Court of Karnataka has denied bail toJayalalitha in the disproportionate assets case. The Special Public Prosecutor raised no objection to granting of bail to Jayalalitha. The lawyer for thedefense, Ram Jethmalani, argued vehemently for the release of Jayalalitha, calling it a case of politicalvendetta. He cited the case of Lalu Prasad Yadav being granted bail by the SC (after being convicted in the fodder scam) as a precedent to take into consideration while deciding whether bail must be granted to Jayalalitha.
Jethmalani also prayed for the suspension of the sentence pending appeal.

Rationale behind judgment

Justice Chandrasekhara refused to grant bail saying that there were no grounds for the Court to grant bail. Citing SC judgments, he opined that corruptionamounted to violation of basic human rights, and that it led to economic imbalances in society. The judge also said that the SC had made it clear that cases relating to corruption must be fast-tracked.
He also refused to consider the Lalu Yadav case as a precedent, because he had been granted bail by the SC on an appeal from the HC judgment that denied him bail. Also, he had spent 10 months in jail already when the SC granted him bail. Jayalalitha, on the other hand, has not been in jail even for a month.
The judge also refused to suspend the judgment of the Special Court. He cited several cases of the SC under the Prevention of Corruption Act to validate his ruling that the case was not fit for granting either bail or suspension of sentence.

Future course of action

Jayalalitha’s legal team is likely to appeal the judgment denying bail in the SC. It is also expected that she will ask for a suspension of the four year sentence awarded by the Special Court Judge.

Disproportionate Assets Case

Jayalalitha was the first serving CM to be convicted in a corruption case when a Special Court convicted her of holding assets disproportionate to her income. She was sentenced to four years prison and a fine of Rs. 100 crore. Also, she has been disqualified from contesting elections for the next 10 years under the Representation of People’s Act.

Heavy firing and shelling continues on Indo-Pak Border

Unprovoked heavy firing and shelling across the 192 km Indo-Pak border shows no signs of abating, with the political and military set-up in both countries showing no willingness to compromise. Pakistani Rangers targeted 40 border out posts and 25 border hamlets along the International Border in Jammu and Samba districts of J & K. According to India, this has been Pakistan’s 17th breach of ceasefire in the month of October.
BSF (Border Security Force) has been returning fire in many places along the border, especially in Pargwal. This has led to intensive exchange of fire between the Indian and Pakistani forces. There has been no loss of life or property to BSF as of now. However, the civilian casualty has been significant, and rising, on both sides of the border.


The people bearing the brunt of the exchange of fire have been the civilians. Thousands of people have been displaced, or have fled their villages to escape the firing. Around 1000 people have been shifted to camps. Six people have been killed and 50 others including BSF personnel have been injured in firing along the LoC and the international border.

 Ceasefire violations

From October 1 to October 6, there have been ceasefire violations in different areas along the border intermittently but on every single day without exceptions. On October 2, Pakistani Rangers targeted civilian villages, leading to six persons being hospitalized with injuries

 Response by the Indian government/Action taken

National Security Advisor, Ajit Doval, held a high-level meeting that included the Home Secretary, Chief of Intelligence Bureau and BSF representatives. The bureaucrats were briefed on the violence along the border by the BSF representative, and the situation was discussed.
Defence Minister, Arun Jaitley, said that Pakistan would face heavy military response from India if their ceasefire violations continued.

Eid-al-Adha celebrated across the world, Hajj concludes

Eid-al-Adha or the Feast of the Sacrifice is a festival celebrated by Muslims worldwide as two million Muslims performed the last ritual to conclude Hajj.
This festival is celebrated to commemorate Abraham’s willingness to offer his promised son as sacrifice according to God’s command. In the end, God intervened and asked for a lamb as sacrifice. To mark this event, Muslims worldwide offer sheep as sacrifice.
Hajj is a religious pilgrimage to Mecca in Saudi Arabia. It is one of the five pillars of Islam that every Muslim must perform at least once in his lifetime. The last ritual was performed at Mina, which is ritually stoning the devil. This stoning of the devil is symbolic of Abraham who stoned the devil on his way to comply with God’s wishes asking for a sacrifice. The devotees performed this ritual, offered sacrifices by slaughtering a sheep and gave its meat away to the needy. This marks the end of the pilgrimage.

Kenyan President Uhuru Kenyatta to become first sitting President to appear at ICC

Kenyan President Kenyatta has confirmed his appearance at The Hague, Netherlands on October 8 to respond to multiple charges against him at the ICC (International Criminal Court).


In an unprecedented move, Kenyatta has invoked a hitherto unused article of the Constitution to resign temporarily, with the Deputy President, William Ruto, taking his place as Acting President till the return of Kenyatta. This step has been taken because Mr.Kenyatta has insisted that he will appear before the ICC in his personal capacity and not as the President of a nation. It is to be noted that Kenyatta had also appeared at the ICC before he became President in 2013.
Kenyatta will risk an international arrest warrant and international condemnation against him personally and economic sanctions against Kenya, if he failed to comply with the summons issued by the ICC.

Charges against Mr.Kenyatta

Kenyatta faces five charges of crimes against humanity, inciting violence and organizing ethnic massacres that killed 1,200 people. He has denied all the charges that have been brought against him.
In September, the ICC postponed the trial after prosecutors said the Kenyan government had failed to submit important documents. The case of the prosecution is weak as of now because several prosecution witnesses have withdrawn from the case. The ICC has summoned Kenyatta for a status hearing so he may explain allegations that evidence against has been withheld by the Kenyans. His request to participate by video was rejected by the Court.


The massacres that Mr.Kenyatta is accused of playing a role in, took place after the 2007 elections in Kenya. Kenyatta was a close ally of the winner of the election, Mwai Kibaki. Kibaiki’s opponent, Raila Odinga, claimed that the elections were rigged. The dispute then lead to violence with peoples of different ethnicities pitted against each other. Kenyatta is accused of organizing ethnic gangs to attack rival groups.
Around a thousand people were killed and hundreds of thousands were displaced in the violence.

Typhoon Phanfone slams into Japan  

Typhoon Phanfone made landfall near the city of Hamamatsu in Japan. Many parts of Japan faced torrential rain, with some areas receiving a month’s worth of rainfall  in a matter of minutes.
As many as 600 domestic flights and 19 international flights have been cancelled. Over 2,00,000 people have been asked to evacuate their homes throughout Eastern Japan due to threat of landslides and flooding of rivers.
Tropical Storm Risk is a storm tracker that tracks cyclones etc and categories them as per their expected severity. Phanfone was earlier labeled a category one typhoon, which is the lowest on a scale of one to five. However, as it approached, the typhoon was labeled a category four.

Government to establish virology diagnostic labs in 120 districts

Central Government has recently announced that State-of-the-art virology diagnostic laboratories will be operational in 120 districts by 2015.

Need for virology labs

The outbreak of the swine flu epidemic in 2009 exposed the lack of infrastructure and preparedness in India. Only two labs in India then had the required capabilities to test for the disease.
The outbreak of the Ebola virus has again emphasized the need for setting up of modern and updated testing facilities to cope with the crises that may arise in the future.

Model Rural Health Research Units (MRHR)

The government also has plans to strengthen the Model Rural Health Research Units which will be set up by ICMR (Indian Council of Medical Research) in collaboration with the local primary centres under the administration of the State government. The MRHR model will be advanced to improve coverage of health services and early detection of diseases in rural areas. These MRHR units will be equipped with modern technologies and state of the art infrastructure

Nobel Prize Medicine winners 2014

Nobel Prize Photo
John O’Keefe and Norwegian couple May-Britt and Edvard Moser have won the 2014 Nobel Prize for medicine for their work which has led to discovering the brain’s internal positioning system.

About Nobel Prize in Medicine

The Nobel award for medicine is given to persons whose discoveries have significantly enhanced the understanding of life or the practice of medicine.  The Nobel comes with prize money of 8 mn Swedish kroner or $1.1 mn. The winner is chosen by the Nobel Assembly at the Karolinska Institute which is a group of 50 professors which has an 18 member working body that evaluates nominations from scientists around the world and proposes the names of top candidates for the award. The Nobel Prize for medicine is always announced before the Nobel Prize for other categories. The Nobel Assembly, made the  announcement at Sweden’s Karolinska Institute saying that the discovery had provided a solution to an issue that has plagued the mind of researchers and philosopher alike for centuries : “How does the brain create a map of the space surrounding us and how can we navigate our way through a complex environment?”

2014 Nobel Prize Medicine Winners

John O’Keefe

ScreenClip[21]John O’Keefe is a 74 yr old American-British Professor of Cognitive Neuroscience at University College in  London.
In 1971, Dr. O’Keefe was studying the hippocampus, when during an experiment on rats he discovered that certain nerve cells got activated when the rat was in a particular spot. If the rat changed its place, then different nerve cells in the rat’s brain got activated. This led to his conclusion that the cells weren’t just registering the location but they appeared to be making circuits that constituted an inner map or ‘GPS’ of the place. He realized that the hippocampus was a spatial system where the memory of a certain place gets stored a particular combination of the nerve cells.

May-Britt and Edvard Moser

ScreenClip[25]May-Britt Moser aged 51 and Edvard Moser aged 52 are a married team of neuroscientists working at the Norwegian University of Science and Technology in Trondheim.
In 2005, the Mosers’ worked with O’Keefe to further his work. They conducted similar experiments on rats, where they discovered that nerve cells in entorhinal cortex which is near the hippocampus got activated when the animals passed certain places. These nerve cells together laid out a grid like pattern enabling the rat to navigate spatially.


Before the work done by these three scientists, we didn’t have a sense of how the brain processed maps at a cellular level. Their work helps researchers delve deeper into how strokes and Alzheimer’s affect the brain, with the help of their inner navigational chart.

22nd anniversary of Rapid Action Force (RAF) celebrated

The 22nd Formation Day of RAF was celebrated on 7 October with all the senior CRPF (Central ReservePolice Force) dignitaries present. It was announced at the Formation Day celebrations that five more battalions of RAF will be set up. The new battalions will be in Guwahati, Siliguri, Patna, Uttar Pradesh and in NCR (National Capital Region). Additionally a women battalion will soon be formed in Gujarat. Measures are being taken to induct modern, sophisticated and non-lethal weapons in RAF’s armoury so that collateral damage or casualities may be minimized.

Peace-keeping operations

At the request of UN, one RAF troop consisting of 250 women and men personnel has been sent to Ebola hit Liberia. The troop has been involved in providing relief operations in Liberia.

About RAF

The RAF is a specially trained and equipped wing of the CRPF. It was formed in 1992 to deal with communal riots and civil unrest caused thereby. At present, there are 10 battalions, but it is set to increase as stated above.

CISF launches Operation Kali in Delhi Metro for better protection of women commuters

The paramilitary CISF which has the responsibility of securing the Delhi Metro Network has launched ‘Operation Kali’ to better protect women using the metro especially in the ladies compartments. CISF has deployed 5,000 men and women personnel for securing the Delhi Metro Network.

Operation Kali

Under this Operation, CISF will deploy a special squad of undercover female commandos in the metros. These commandos have been trained to use the techniques of the martial arts form ‘Pekiti-Tirsia Kali’ to neutralize threats with the help of seemingly harmless objects that people carry everyday like pens or hairpins. They have also been trained to tackle multiple threats at a time. Other than this, some personnel in uniform will also be deployed.

Pekiti-Tirsia Kali

This is a style of martial arts that has its origin in Philippines. It was founded in 1897, and is a combat oriented system. It is a form of close quarter combat where the focus is on offensive and counter offensive strategies instead of defensive moves. The style also involves using of a knife, machete or any edged or empty hand weapons. It has been adopted by elite Philippine military and law enforcement units.

About CISF

The Central Industrial Security Force or CISF is a central armed police force under the Ministry of Home Affairs. It was initially established under the Central Industrial Security Force Act, 1968 to protect major PSUs. However, it was converted to an armed force with a larger ambit under an amendment to the Act in 1983. Now, CISF provides security to industrial ventures and establishments, VIPs and engages in disaster management amongst others. It also has a Fire Wing to response to fire emergencies/accidents. With a force larger than 1,65,000 it is the largest security force in the world.

Deepak Parekh committee on Infrastructure submits report

The High-level government committee oninfrastructure headed by Deepak Parekh submits the last part of its report in October. The Committee consisted of Uday Kotak, G.M.R Rao, Sanjay Reddy and top officials from LIC, SBI, ICICI and IDFC.

Some of their proposals are as follows:-
  • Establish a PPP model for power distribution, starting first with the cities
  • Modernise public sector distribution companies. The viability gap for such companies should be funded by the Central government
  • Earmark 15% of power generation of the central PSUs for open access customers so that the market becomes more competitive in an attempt to attract the open access clientele. This is also expected to increase investment in the electricity sector. (Open access customers refers to customers who buy in bulk and can directly choose where to buy their electricity from, according to the Electricity Act, 2003. Hence, the open access customers at least will not have to rely on the state controlled power distribution companies
  • Tariffs should be rationalized with a grading system that distinguishes between consumers depending on their paying capacity. Also, high income households, commercial consumer and industries should eventually be moved to market based pricing. The consumers subject to market based pricing may be allowed to choose from different suppliers of electricity. Low income consumers, however, should be subject to low tariffs and their requirements should be met with supplies from depreciated power station
  • Privatise coal mining wherein Coal India or its arms/subsidiaries can retain ownership of mines
  • Constitute a High level task force headed by a deputy governor of RBI to decide on measures to restore the health of power projects facing financial trouble due to scarcity of fuel
  • Fixed charges of a reasonable amount should be apportioned to idle power plants

Shahrukh Khan awarded with Global Diversity Award 2014

Indian actor Shahrukh Khan was awarded the Global Diversity Award 2014 for his outstanding achievements in the field of cinema and his involvement in philanthropic endeavors in UK. The Award was presented to him by the Speaker of the House of Commons, the Right Honourable John Bercow, at a ceremony held in the House of Commons itself. This award was instituted by the Rainbow Foundation. Previous recipients of this award include Amitabh Bachchan, Aishwarya Rai, Sheikh Hasina, Lewis Hamilton, Jackie Chan and Dionne Warwick amongst other. Shahrukh Khan is also a recipient of France’s Legion of Honour, which is its highest civilian honour.

China test fires long range missile Dongfeng-31B

China test fired a new variant in its Dongfeng-31 missile range on September 25


It is a 10,000 km long range missile that is capable of targeting Europe and the West Coast of USA. It can strike with three warheads, including nuclear warheads.


This is latest variant, and an advanced form of Dongfeng-31A. This is also a long range missile with a reach of 10,000 km. However, it can carry multiple nuclear warheads, unlike Dongfeng-31A which is restricted to three.


China is also working on developing a Dongfeng-41 missile. Dongfeng-41 is expected to have a range of 12,000 km which will enable it to target all the parts of USA.

ISRO to launch M3M satellite of Canada

Canada’s M3M (Maritime Monitoring and Messaging Micro-Satellite)  is set to be launched by India’s PSLV rocket. The agreement for the same was signed by India’s Antriux Corp. and Canada’s COM DEV Intl. The satellite is due to be launched in July 2015. The satellite was built for the Canadian Department ofNational Defence, and is a communications satellite. The satellite was built at a cost of $21 mn by COM DEV Intl.
Initially, the satellite was to have been launched on a Soyuz rocket in Russia. However, in light of the international restrictions on trade with Russia due to the Crimea and Ukraine crisis, Canada decided not to go ahead with the arrangement.

Cipla to set up manufacturing facility in Iran

Drug manufacturer Cipla has signed an agreement with its distributor in Iran to set up a manufacturingunit there. Cipla is expected to contribute machinery, equipment and technical knowledge worth Rs. 225 cr over thethe next 3 years in return for a 75% stake. The investment is yet to receive the necessary regulatory approvals. The Iranian venture is a part of Cipla’s strategy to expand to other Asian countries
Cipla is an Indian company that was established in 1935 in Mumbai. It sells over 2,000 products in 180 countries around the world. It has a turnover of US $1.5 bn and employed 26,000 persons as of 2012-13.

Chennai Super Kings clinches Champions League Twenty-20

Chennai_Super_Kings_Logo (1)
In the Champions League Twenty-20 final match,Chennai Super Kings defeated Kolkata Knight Riders by 8 wickets to win the Champions League Trophy.

 Player of the Match

P.Negi of the Chennai Super Kings was named the Player of the Match.
 Past Performance
This is the second Champions League win for the Chennai Super Kings, who won earlier in 2010.

 Champions League Twenty-20

This is an international Twenty-20 cricket competition played between major domestic teams from cricketing nations. It has been an annual event from 2009. The League is jointly owned by BCCI, Cricket Australia and Cricket South Africa.

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